Monday, October 26, 2009


Boys and books are seriously distracting me from college essays.

This is not healthy.

New favorite book: The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffengger.

Please - read it. It's amazing. I cried for 30 minutes straight. It was worth it.


  1. It's nice to meet you Kelsey! Rough Senior year too? I'm there with you on that subject. Your blogs look really cool, and I look forward to reading them! -Blessings, Natalie

  2. :) Cool cool Kels, I'll have to try and check that one out... :)
    Sorry I haven't been around lately. Hope you are doing okay!
    <3 rach.

  3. Natalie - Definitely rough. But exciting at the same time! And same to you. :)

    Rachel - YOU'RE ALIVE!!!! Everything going ok with you? And yeah....definitely give the book a try. It's great.
