Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Wow. I watched this video that The Skit Guys did (they are amazing, by the way), and it was incredible. I cried, of course, but out of happiness that I was not only accepted, but loved and cherished and absolutely beautifully made by God. You can watch the video here.

I just love the part where he says, "I let you down, God." God responds that we don't hold Him up in the first place. He holds us up, and I am so grateful that He does. What a relief to realize that we can't let God down.

I don't have a lot to say; just watch the video, and tell me what you think.

All I know is that I am so happy that I am God's original masterpiece. That will always be enough.


  1. its okay kels...i cried too.

    God dont make no junk!

  2. abbbbby! i think i'm starting to rub off on you a little bit!

    and no, he didn't. thank goodness we have that to hold on to.
